What’s Love?

An exploration of one of the most complex, multifaceted and wonderful of all human experiences. By Jo Mooy Because of St. Valentine’s Day, February is known globally as the month of “Love.” So, it seemed appropriate to write an article…

The Wonder of Being Alive

What if we embraced both the comforts and the challenges in our lives with reverence? By Mary Boutieller Imagine if, one day, calendars completely disappeared. How, then, would we mark the passage of time? Of course, our ancestors marked time…

A New Lease on Life

When you let go of strong attachment to things, you feel the newly liberated space within you beginning to fill with happiness, joy and peace. By Emil Nazaryan Imagine you just bought the car of your dreams. You thought about…

The Profundity of Simplicity

By Darrel Hammon   It’s odd when you really think about it— the profundity of simplicity. Most things in life reek of a ephemerality and shallowness, non-starters from the beginning.   People seem to be ever learning but never arriving…

Believe in Yourself

By Mary Boutieller We are beautifully and imperfectly ourselves and, yes, we dance to our own rhythm. Sometimes all it takes is a change of scenery to help you notice things in a different way. Sometimes, that means traveling to…

Find Your Coordinates for Life’s Journey

By Emil Nazaryan You are like a rocket with more than enough fuel to take you wherever you want to go in life. “I want a job that is financially and spiritually rewarding, a job that will allow me to…

Growing Forward with The Seeds of an Extraordinary Life

By Terez Hartmann What if getting to witness a life—with all of its peaks and valleys—is the ultimate LIFE coaching opportunity? The Ineffable Seed We all contain an ever-renewing seed of the Divine (a.k.a. clarity, light, and love), so it…

The Mindset AND Strategy for ACTUALLY Achieving Your Goals

By Natalie Rivera Goal setting is so much a key to success that it’s cliché. We know it, but most of us don’t do it. First, we want you to know that this is NOT just another lame goal-setting program.…

5 Life Coach Trends for 2022

By Jowanna Daley Make the coming year your best by focusing on practical solutions that meet your clients’ evolving needs for more online services and authentic, empathetic support. The coaching industry remains strong, and, despite the economic downturn due to…

Dreamers and Visionaries

By Jo Mooy “The Blue Marble” opened my horizons to endless “what ifs.” Up against enormous public and political opposition, John F. Kennedy forged ahead and dreamed space exploration into the national consciousness. He said, “Space can be explored and…