Healthy Living

Live a healthier by learning about healthy foods, holistic healing, and alternative healing with articles in Transformation Magazine.

The Lesson of Poison Ivy

If we don’t rest when we need it, we will pay for it in other ways. By Mary Boutieller Two weeks ago, I got a poison ivy rash on my left arm from about wrist to elbow. I was pulling…

Being Happy is Healthy

How to harness the power of happiness and improve your life. By Linda Commito Studies show that happiness is good for your health. In Greater Good Magazine, (Greater, Kira Newman wrote in “Six Ways Happiness is Good for Your…

The Profundity of Simplicity

By Darrel Hammon   It’s odd when you really think about it— the profundity of simplicity. Most things in life reek of a ephemerality and shallowness, non-starters from the beginning.   People seem to be ever learning but never arriving…

Discover the Holistic You

When we become more holistic, we can understand things in greater clarity and wisdom. By Darrel Hammon Over the years, I have discovered that human beings are not one-dimensional or one-sided. Rather, we are a holistic lot and possess great…

How to Find a Workout Routine You Love

By Ella Hatfield Lifting weights doesn’t have to be your entire fitness solution. Did you know that there are many fit people who don’t enjoy lifting weights five days a week—myself included? Becoming healthy and fit is a thrilling journey…

Find Your Heal Mindset

By Sonia Sharma  “We delight in the beauty of the butterfly, but rarely admit the changes it has gone through to achieve that beauty.”—Maya Angelou  Going through changes in a being like a butterfly is automatic, but, as humans, we…

Upgrade Your Body, Mind and Spirit

By Mark Pitstick MA, DC Part 2: A simple but powerful blueprint for optimal health and nutrition in 2022. Once you’ve made a commitment and started following the “12 Steps to Progress” we outlined last month (See the box for…

10 Ways to Survive the Holidays Without Gaining Weight

By Rena Greenberg Tips for maintaining a healthy relationship with food. With the holidays approaching, you may be anticipating, with a bit of trepidation, all the food temptation that you are likely to experience. It’s no doubt the time of…

Let’s be Kind to Our Planet

By Linda Commito “The greatest threat to our planet is believing that someone else will save it.”—Robert Swan  One of my earliest childhood memories was standing at the window of our 3rd floor New England apartment with my parents, brother…

The Inspiration of Nature

By Mary Boutieller “After you have exhausted what there is in business, politics, conviviality, love and so on—have found that none of these finally satisfy, or permanently wear—what remains? Nature remains…the trees, fields, the change of seasons, the sun by…