By Arielle Giordano
When we hear with our heart, we know the Truth.
To listen is an expression of the feminine. It means that you are genuinely open and available to whatever it is that you are focused upon. You sense the Truth in the message through your heart. When you are really listening to what someone is saying, it doesn’t necessarily mean that you agree with it or believe it—it just means that you hear what was truly intended.
“Listen with curiosity. Speak with honesty. Act with integrity. The greatest problem with communication is we don’t listen to understand. We listen to reply. When we listen with curiosity, we don’t listen with the intent to reply. We listen for what’s behind the words.”―Roy T. Bennett, The Light in the Heart
Real listening means that you are present. It empowers you to hear the truth regardless of the source. Did you know that gender, culture, family history, personality, opinions, perceptions, and values are some of the factors that contribute to and impact our way of communicating? Moreover, communication and language are deeply intertwined—and in language we share who we are as human beings.
If you know and see the Truth within, you will find that same Truth outside of yourself; it comes full circle. This means that you are being authentic regardless of who shares your company, and, as a result, you connect with those who are in alignment with your highest good.
“Your mind, it will trick you, but your heart, it will not.”―Nikki Rowe
Listen to your heart, even when the pressures of daily life tell you to pull back. When you feel uncomfortable, that pressure can help you open up like a flower and hear the wind of your soul.
“Always listen to your heart. The wisdom of your heart is the connection to your authentic power—the true home of your spirit.”―Angie Karan
Transformational Life Coach Award-Winning Author & Speaker, Professional Dancer. Arielle’s Award-Winning book for Best Self-Help Award: Dancing With Your Story From The Inside is available on Her professional career includes the Lead Faculty Area Chairperson and Professor for the College of Humanities, History and the Arts at the University of Phoenix. She is a published co-author of Transform Your Life Books 1 & 2 and author for Tampa Bay Wellness, Conscious Shift & Transformation magazine. She has published her 4th book, an Instructor’s Manual for Barlow Abnormal Psychology 4th ed. and authored Psychology, A Journey 3rd.ed. Study Guide published by Nelson Education, Toronto, ON. She has also studied philosophy at the College of Integrated Philosophy with John DeRuiter for twenty years. Arielle has been a featured guest on radio and television, in newspapers, and the media across the US and Canada. She is a certified Essentrics Stretch and Dance Instructor. Arielle offers coaching sessions, classes and workshops and a free 30-minute Consultation. Websites:, Email:
Are You Listening?