Healthy Thoughts Are FundaMENTAL

by Rev. Marla Sanderson “You need to remind yourself that Spirit surrounds you and is unlimited, and is the source of all things; also that it is always becoming something in your experience, and the nature of that “something” is…

What’s Eating You? What’s REALLY Going On Beneath Healthy Eating

By Natalie Rivera   Are We What We Eat? I eat healthy…most of the time. Low sugar, low gluten, low calorie. I try to eat mostly real food, not processed junk. I drink vegetable juice and avoid sugar in beverages.…

3 Tips for Building Wealth

By Rebecca A. Watson “The importance of money flows from it being a link between the present and the future.”—John Maynard Keynes   A while back, my husband and I took a vacation into the southwest deserts of the United…

Help! My Child is an Addict

By Rena Greenberg Kerry felt both relieved and devastated at the same time. She was escorting her adult son, Kevin, to the American Airlines gate at O’Hare Airport in Chicago, putting him on a plane headed for Arizona, where he…

What Rings Your Bell? Lessons from Quasimodo

By Gregg Sanderson “The ways and means are available to me…The only question to be asked then is: ‘How much discomfort am I willing to sit with before I invite the answer to be revealed?’” —Dale Jukes What single factor…

Someday is TODAY!

By Ann Darwicki Recently, I participated in a weeklong web event with Lisa Nichols (from the movie The Secret). She is someone I admire and would like to emulate. During one of the calls she said something that completely changed…

Healing My Family Tree

By Colleen Jais In my mind’s eye, I see a tree. I close my eyes and let the image form, give myself over to the shape and colors and beauty of this tree. Its colors are lush and exotic; red,…

The Butterfly Effect

By Kay Schrems I start each day with a morning walk in nature. It’s a special time for me to sit quietly and review any deep thoughts I have on different aspects of my life. I often wonder why certain…

BLAZE: Allowing Your Fire and Fab-YOU-lousity

By Terez Hartmann Fire Power Mojo. Power. Prana. Energy. Focus. Chi. Passion. Call it what you will, nothing compares to how good life feels when you truly allow your inner FIRE to burn! Its light will guide you. Its power…

Tap Into Your Life Force

By Kathy Rivera Wallace “All the principles of heaven and earth are living inside you.” —Morikei Ueshiba, founder of Martial Arts Aikido Imagine a beautiful, clear and starry night—one of the most beautiful nights you have seen in a long…