A New Beginning

How long would you give a child to learn to walk? As long as it takes would be the obvious response. You would not berate the child for failures, bumps, or bruises along the way. What would happen if you…

The Way it Is: How It Works

There’s more to it, of course, get the whole story at www.spiritwithasmile.com. The Force we call BOB (Being of Bliss) is exactly that—a Force—a Power, but definitely not a person. Ever so much more, Its composition is Mind, Feeling, and…

Out Your ego… Desperate vs. Confident

ego IS DESPERATE Spirit IS CONFIDENT Thinking about that bill you can’t pay makes your pulse quicken. Pondering the relationship you feel trapped in or the car that won’t start causes your mind to race. It just takes one thought…

Embracing Forgiveness

We hear so much about forgiveness, in our churches, on Oprah, in new age magazines, but do we truly understand the big picture when it comes to embracing this concept? We read that if we forgive others and ourselves we…

Be Gentle with Yourself: Lessons from a soft-shell crab

Sometimes insight comes from the strangest places. I was sitting on the dock in the back of my house watching the light reflect on the water and listening to the egrets calling in the mangroves. I was on the tail…

The Way It Is: The Game

There’s more to it, of course, get the whole story at www.spiritwithasmile.com. Our story so far:  The multi-dimensional Force we call BOB (Being of Bliss) fills a room with Its essence: Intelligence, Feeling, and Stuff.  To ease the boredom It…

Finding Your “Yes”

Finding Your “Yes” I’m writing this in the spacious stillness of Thanksgiving weekend. My life has been moving at high speed, but over this holiday break an opening appeared. The phone barely rang, and a sense of deep peace naturally…


YOU REAP WHAT YOU SOW December is a wonderful time to reflect upon all the seeds we’ve planted the year before. When I look upon 2010, I can see the actions that lead to the landscape of my 2011 garden.…

Hay House, I Can Do It: She Did It

She Did It! When my husband Danny and I met Joeel and Natalie, the editors of our areas wonderful new Transformation Magazine, we had no idea that I had won first-place in their contest in the November 2010 Premier issue.…

The Way It Is: We Get What We Believe

There’s more to it, of course, get the whole story at www.spiritwithasmile.com. It was about to add the dimension of thought to Its heretofore two-dimensional creations of things and creatures and all their relatives.  Last month, BOB wondered: “What would…