Know that You Don’t Know: Letting Go of the Need to Be Right and In Control

By Dr. Toni LaMotta How do you know what you know in life? What is your criterion for saying something is TRUE? Is it: I heard a teacher say it last week, my mother or father told me when I…

7 Tips to Overcome Procrastination

By Rebecca A. Watson “Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment.”—Jim Rohn When I recently told an acquaintance I worked at home full-time, she commented how difficult that would be for her. “I’d never have the kind of discipline…

As Within So Without

By Rev. Marla Sanderson “As above, so below, as within, so without, as the universe, so the soul…”—Attributed to Hermes Trismegistus In the past day or two, I’ve changed my mind several times about my subject this month. After a…

Who Needs Need: The Fifth Pathway

By Gregg Sanderson “Two Roads diverged in a wood and I – I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference.”—Robert Frost There are few roads less traveled today than the Fifth Pathway from Ken…

When Life Hands You a Lemon Make Lemonade

By Marcia Bender Most of our lives contain difficult periods that seem almost unbearable. As humans, we go through many changes in a lifetime, and some of these transformations are more profound than others. Indeed, change is never easy, and…

It’s All a Matter of Perception

By Kathy “Katica” Rivera Wallace “A loving person lives in a loving world. A hostile person lives in a hostile world.”—Ken Keyes, Jr., Handbook to Higher Consciosness One word says it all: Perception. By changing your mind, you can change…

The Stages of Enlightenment: Becoming, Being, Embodying

By Kumari I have been pondering my spiritual journey for the past 25 years. After my father’s sudden death from lung cancer prompted me to seek ways to ease suffering, and other existential answers led me to a meditation master…

Allowing Your Success: When a Side Road Becomes a Destination

By Terez Hartmann   Why seeking fun NOW can lead to WOW! The dance begins…I have known myself for a very long time—as a matter of fact, I would dare say for all my whole life. Yet it is amazing…

Do You Sometimes Feel Like a Stranger in a Strange Land?

By Dr. Mark Pitstick Six Ways to Have an Optimal Earth-Experience I recently received a letter from “Nancy,” a young lady who expressed feelings I’ve heard from many people around the world. I’m sharing her letter and my response since…