Achieving Freedom Through Education

Editor’s note: In an issue focusing on children, I am proud to share the words of this young woman’s commencement address, which was delivered at Hillsborough Community College’s (HCC) graduation ceremony this spring. The insight and wisdom or our youth…

The Way It Is: How to Avoid Happy Relationships

As an instant recap for those new to the BOB concept, BOB is an acronym for the Infinite “Being of Bliss”—The Intelligence, Love, and Substance that created everything out of Itself for Its own entertainment. We’re all made from the…

Loving Your Inner Child

We are all similar to movie projectors, constantly sending images out into our lives of how we value and perceive ourselves. Until we learn to love our inner child, we project and continue to draw into ourselves patterns set in…

Eliminate Childhood Mind Viruses

Every one of us exits childhood with our own unique cocktail of patterns, programming, beliefs, habits, preferences, expectations, and mind viruses. Some of these ingrained pieces of our psyche are positive, such as saying please and thank you, brushing our…