Past Issues

How to Actually Achieve your Goals
In this first issue of 2022, we will jump into how to actually achieve goals, learning about the flow of life, and how kindness is the heart of the matter. We will also upgrade the body, mind and spirit, awaken the Goddess, and build a content calendar. Start the new year on fire with Transformation Academy.

5 Life Coaching Trends for 2022
In this issue we will explore five life coaching trends for 2022, getting out of your comfort zone, and following your passion. We will also take a look at how to love yourself unconditionally, passing time, and ten ways to survive the holidays.

Dreamers and Visionaries
In this issue we will explore how to find your niche, the spiritual path, and the nature of appreciation. We will also dig deep into helping others, the changing seasons, and dreamers and visionaries.

Is Your Business Ready for 2022?
In this issue we will dive into spiritual growth, how to drop the baggage, and embracing curiosity. We will also take a look at being kind to our planet, saving your sight, and find out if your business is ready for 2021.

The Secret of Effortless Action
In this issue we will deep dive into the secret of effortless action, going within, and cultivating a wholesome life. We will also take a look at the inspiration of nature, how the runway grows shorter, and 10 steps to a viable coaching business.

Just Breathe
In this issue we will explore how it’s never too late, how everything changes, and the one law of creation part 2. We will also learn about life lessons from dance, going from anger to forgiveness to peace, and the optical delusion.

Find Your True Self
In this issue, we will explore the one law of creation, the breakthrough, and the astonishing power of writing. We will also focus within, how hospitals get healthy, and finding your true self.

Do Something that Matters
In this issue we will deep dive into spiritual aliveness, doing something that matters, and being free to just be. We will also explore the three keys to sustainable creativity, finding your way, and the most important question.

Spring Tune-Up
In this issue we will explore how to release negativity, focus on nutrition, and being magnetic. We will also discuss the matriarchs, spring tune-ups, and the best kept secret.

One Minute at a Time
In this issue we will dive into what is real, upgrading your relationship, and finding your true self. We will also explore facing game over, going one minute at a time, and how we create our lives.

Your Inner Compass
In this issue we will explore the ripple effect, your inner compass, and self-care. We will also dive into unlocking your potential, when you don’t hit the jackpot, and marching forward.

Take Time to Pause
In this issue we will dive into the power of determination, finding out your intentions, and having freedom from fear. We will also explore “clean love”, how to take time to pause, and how kindness is alive and well.

Onward, Upward & Forward
In this issue we will journey into spiritual connection, living in gratitude, and defining your creativity. We will also explore healthy thinking with weight loss, 5 paths of health and wellness, and moving onward, upward & forward.

The Path to Oneness
In this issue we will take a walk in the woods, feel the power of faith, and find the path to oneness. We will also learn about the four ways to serve others, how food is medicine, and how to affirm yourself.

Make A Difference
In this issue, we will explore the hard truth, finding joy, and the 7 keys for self-care. We will also deep dive into increasing your power with Hypnosis, cutting through the red tape, and giving love and light to the world.

Fall Out of Fear
In this issue, we will discover the rainbow of happiness, kindness during Covid, and the power of meditation. We will also discuss the gateway of spiritual consciousness, gaining freedom by making amends, and what we resist persists.

Back to the Drawing Board
In this issue, we will explore how perspective changes everything, how you are not alone, and going back to the drawing board. We will also learn about becoming the “Snow Queen”, escaping the castle, and breaking out on your own.

Survive and Thrive in a Mad World
In this issue we will dive into three ways to reduce anxiety, how spirit means business, and instant Karma. We will also touch on surviving and thriving in a mad world, breaking the chain, and how this time it’s different.

The World is Shifting. Are You?
In this issue we will explore how the world is shifting, embracing the new normal, and welcoming the adventure of change. We will also venture into the call of the mountain, how to make your own magic, and how we are the fire.

Now is the Time
In this issue, we will dive deep into stepping outside the box, birthing a planet reset, and serving others to make the world a better place. We will also focus on getting to yes, how do you talk to yourself, and a love letter to coaches.

Every Cloud Has a Silver Lining
In this issue, we will take a look at the benefits of greater reality living, having butterfly wisdom, and how every cloud has a silver lining. We will also focus on how to live more, worry less, listening in, and thinking small.

Spring into Joy
In this issue, find out how to spring to joy, finding balance, and what is your vibe. We will also explore how to mend the breaks, the sanity of exchange, and why nothing in your life is wasted.

Find Emotional Freedom
In this issue, we will explore the seven facets of spiritual awareness, moving more and stressing less, and cutting the cord. We will also dive into making a healthy choice, chasing your dreams and going from awareness to acceptance.

Everyday Life as a Spiritual Journey
Join us in this issue and explore love, magic and perspective, the four pillars of love attraction, and the four lenses. We will also discuss living everyday life as a spiritual journey, celebrating the goddess of love, and lessons in tolerance.

2020 Vision
In this first issue of the decade we will explore 2020 vision, going around the wall, and celebrating aging. We will also dive into digital marketing in 2020, the path to freedom, and the secret of personal magnetism.