Healthy Living

Live a healthier by learning about healthy foods, holistic healing, and alternative healing with articles in Transformation Magazine.

What’s Eating You? What’s REALLY Going On Beneath Healthy Eating

By Natalie Rivera   Are We What We Eat? I eat healthy…most of the time. Low sugar, low gluten, low calorie. I try to eat mostly real food, not processed junk. I drink vegetable juice and avoid sugar in beverages.…

Mental Digestion: Your Second Brain and Stress

By Natalie Rivera When experiencing a digestion problem, we often think of food as the culprit. While the quality of our food definitely is a factor in this equation, we usually overlook the true villain—STRESS. Go to a doctor for…

Getting the Whole Story: The Benefits of Holistic Doctors

By Dr. Michael E Rosenbaum, MD Here’s a little secret when it comes to the medical field . . . While conventional doctors can talk to us about drugs and surgery, few are equipped to talk about health and wellness.…

Crazy Sexy Kitchen (Kris Carr)

By Kris Carr We’ve all felt the swelling and burning associated with a twisted ankle or scraped knee. Ouch! How about the hard-to-swallow pain that accompanies a sore throat? Moan. That’s inflammation at play, doing its job by defending us…

How to Overcome Emotional Eating

By Rena Greenberg Are you an emotional eater? Do you use food as a coping mechanism for the challenges you are facing? What if you could resign yourself to the fact that your life contains both miraculous and amazing moments…

10 Ways to Improve Sleep

By Phoebe Jenkins Have you ever been in bed at night tossing and turning and willing yourself to fall asleep? Or have you fallen asleep only to wake up every hour for the rest of the night? If so, you…

Night Bingeing No More

By Rena Greenberg Do you go all day long eating small portions of healthy food and moving your body as much as possible only to find yourself raiding the refrigerator at night? If so, you are not alone. So many…

21 Effective Energy Boosting Tips You Can Use Now

By Cylleria Johnson Do you wake up full of energy and excitement for the day? If you answered no, you are not alone. We Americans work hard and play hard, which usually leads to depletion on many levels—physically, mentally, emotionally,…

Yes You Can! Eat Healthy on a Budget

America is in the midst of a major health crisis, and more people are beginning to realize how important it is to eat healthy and make better choices. People across the nation are becoming conscious of the reality that our…

A New Beginning

How long would you give a child to learn to walk? As long as it takes would be the obvious response. You would not berate the child for failures, bumps, or bruises along the way. What would happen if you…