The Ripple Effect of Transformation

By Natalie Amsden Rivera Nothing stands still in life. Change is constant, inevitable. As you read these words, you are moving, growing, changing. Even knowing this, we often live in resistance to change, and therefore to life itself. We cling…

The Seven Day Media Cleanse

By Joran Slane Oppelt “Everyone can perform magic, everyone can reach his goals, if he is able to think, if he is able to wait, if he is able to fast.” —Hermann Hesse, Siddhartha It wasn’t even my idea. It was…

How to Overcome Perfectionism

By Rebecca A. Watson Striving for excellence motivates you; striving for perfection is demoralizing.—Harriet Braiker My neighbor came to my door while I was baking my first loaf of gluten-free bread. She said she admired my diet and told me…

Allowing Your Success: The Road to Possibilities

By Terez Hartmann Opening the Gate—a True Story My hubby and I had driven the same road multiple times and had seen a sign for a fun-sounding Irish pub in a golf community that was “open to the public.” Previously,…

Who Needs Need? The Fourth Pathway

By Gregg Sanderson “I always remember that I have everything I need to enjoy my here and now, unless I am letting my consciousness be dominated by demands and expectations based on the dead past or the imagined future.” Gurus…